Clases sobre la metodología Fit-For-Purpose en La Universidad Distrital

Por traducir: The Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas in Bogota aims to become the national reference centre for Land Administration in Colombia. Thanks to a grant of the Orange Knowledge Program, a research and education program will be developed for Fit-For-Purpose Land Administration.

The program will start this academic year (2019) and continue until 2021. Key Colombian (and Dutch) commercial and legal players will assist in the development of capacity. New skills and knowledge of staff will be taught at the individual level, as well as strengthening education, research and outreach at the organizational level. At institutional level, cooperation will be established with national and international knowledge institutes, government institutions, private sector and professional networks in the field of land administration. 

 The grant application is a cooperation of the Dutch University UT-ITC and the Colombian District University. Both universities are engaged in the Land In Peace-project.

Estudiantes de la Universidad Distrital miran al mapa.

Estudiantes de la Universidad Distrital miran al mapa.

Nicolas Porras