Today at the Geospatial World Forum that took place from May 9 to 10 in Amsterdam we were able to show the progress we have made in the Land in Peace project with the Fit For Purpose methodology in Colombia, acompanied by Miram Martinez, director of ANT.
We are very happy to have trained young Arhuacos from the municipalities of Fundación, Ciénaga, Aracataca and Palomino in the Fit For Purpose methodology, By invitation of the Governor's Council of Magdalena, 15 volunteer surveyors handled state-of-the-art GPS equipment to carry out surveys in the community, also basic cartography and much more was taught. With this we fulfilled our commitment to empower communities in land administration processes. Many thanks to the Gunmaku and Arhuaco community for their hospitality.
This week the Land in Peace team, together with instructors from SENA and curriculum developers from the institution, have been working on the creation of a course on Innovative Methodologies for Land Administration, we will soon announce our results.
This week, the Land in Peace team and the University of Twente trained teachers and students from the Francisco José de Caldas District University, in the process of the Fit For Purpose methodology and its implementation in the villages La Toma and San Juan in the municipality of La Calera, Cundinamarca. We are very happy to support the strengthening of universities and institutes in land administration.
We continue to work on more efficient, accessible and participatory land administration processes in Colombia, which is why Kadaster International and Miriam Martínez, director of the National Land Agency, met today to discuss the joint actions.
This week, youth from Sumapaz managed to measure the Tunal Alto village, to which the Secretary of Habitat had invited us to implement the FFP methodology. The work led to very good results and the team enjoyed the beautiful landscapes of the paramo.